Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Booking Process at the Anaheim Police Department


So, the steps involved when you get booked finally get let out. It can take up to 6 hours to actually get them out once they've been arrested. What that means is that if you get into a fight and are arrested for battery in Orange County, you could be looking at a long stay. If you have already been transferred to the IRC, you'll want to contact a Santa Ana Bail Bonds company as soon as possible.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Orange County Possible Poisoned Candy


So, 2 kids in Huntington Beach got sick after eating Halloween Candy. Spooky.....One child in Huntington Beach had something similar happen. Police there warned parents to check their kids' candy. One of the children showed signs of having taken methamphetamine. Here's the story.
some of the signs and symptoms of methamphetamine:
  • sweating
  • rapid breathing
  • paranoia
  • rapid heartbeat
  • dilated pupils
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Friday, November 1, 2013

Woman in Santa Ana Possibly Thrown From Car


Brutal. Woman had her son, he wasn't hurt badly. Just some scratches and bumps and bruises. But she ended up dying. Read it.